Bicentennial Project
Recognition ParkIn July of 2015 began the works of improving and rescuing of statuary belonging to the Centennial Provincial Hospital. The same has works that were in the building and were recovered and restored to beautify the central garden of the Hospital
Reconditioning of bioterios in Faculty of MedicineThe Foundation began work on the reconditioning of the bioterios in the Faculty of Medicine of Rosario.
This project has the restoration of the facilities, roof of the enclosure, change and update of the network of electrical energy of the building and several minor works. |
Refurbishment of Saint Francis Hospital Chapel and GardensEn esa capilla...
por Alberto J. Muniagurria Si se recorre el tiempo pasado desde 1910, muchos sueños y construcciones se han desarrollado, en la manzana de Urquiza y Francia, otras se han derribado, historias que han ocurrido, personas y personajes que transitaron por esos pasillos abiertos. Una campana anunciaba la entrada de los profesores, 3 campanas la llegada de un paciente a la guardia. Sucesivas campanadas llamaban al inicio de la celebración religiosa. En esa capilla de Suipacha y Urquiza, en esa esquina donde aquellos estudiantes que estaban por rendir se acercaban para solicitarle a su Dios que le tocara la bolilla mas leída, o la paciente llorosa pedía la curación de su hijo internado, o aquel visitante ocasional encontraba su momento de silencio. Muchas historias y vivencias olvidadas en la memoria pero con fuertes improntas para ser recuperadas en el imaginario colectivo. En los jardines de San Francisco, pues ese es su nombre, esta la imagen de la Virgen de la Paz, con el niño en sus brazos, ofreciendo a los que buscan consuelo un lugar de recogimiento y meditación. Así es, por todo lo mencionado, que la fundación se ha embarcado, siguiendo los deseos de María Antonia Astengo, en recuperar para el tejido urbano y hospitalario, la casa religiosa, que hoy está en manos de la Universidad, pero se ha ofrecido en comodato al arzobispado. Al entusiasmo de la fundación se han plegado el Arzobispado, la Universidad, el Gobierno Provincial y Municipal, y la Facultad de Ciencias Medicas, que al estar juntas en un objetivo común, adquieren una capacidad de realización que hace que la sociedad sea un poco mejor. Porque ese fue el objetivo que primó en los orígenes del hospital, que todos fueran un poco mejores... |
Nutrition Service ProjectThe celebration of the end of the year in these rooms presents very special characteristics: 110 years ago in this same scenario Cornelio Casablanca with a group of neighbors towards the public subscription that would result in the Hospital of the Centennial and the Faculty of Medicine
In those days, the social commitment of the wealthy classes had become evident in public spaces such as the Argentine Library, the Medical Circle, the Library Circle that would later evolve into the theater of the Circle, and ideas that began with committed citizens They transformed into great social centers of cultural growth. Today we can say, as then, that there still exists in Rosario, a population with a desire to compromise. The Foundation of Medical Sciences "Prof. Dr Rafael Pineda, "continues to work trying to interpret the needs of the community, supporting government efforts to build a better society. As for works carried out and in progress - Maintenance of "Enrique Astengo" Day Hospital Ceilings, laminar circulation hood, TVs for waiting rooms, access doors to surgery, computer, cabling, and WIFI have been updated and 80,000 ambulatory clinic and surgical practices have been updated, Since its construction. - Since its inauguration the Dialysis Service "Federico Boglione" with 120 patients treated per month and 18 kidney transplants developed during 2015 - Valuation of San Francisco church, within the premises of the Hospital School, and surrounding gardens fulfilling the testamentary wishes of Maria Antonia Astengo de Barrutia, thanking the Recto Dario Maiorana and the Archbishop of Rosario for his support - Valuation of hospital gardens and monuments: "Patio de homenajes", with the collaboration of the hospital community. Betting to rescue the tributes to those members of the community and professionals of the house of studies who made the history of Centennial Hospital, not with weapons, but with the stethoscope - Brand new laboratory service with 1000 square meters for the assistance areas of Metabolomics, Pathology and Clinical Hematology (This was developed at the request of the Deanship and of the Hospital Management which would result in a better care service for the Hospital - Libraries and membership fees for doctors in training were covered. Support of web pages of the chairs. Educational scholarships to nurses. Support for yard laborers to maintain infrastructure of roofs and gardens. Project management services research An overall investment of 5,000,000 pesos was developed The plans that are being worked out for 2016 include support for the Provincial Government and the Faculty of Medicine in ideas that are emerging. Within them is working on a project that happened to comment: |